Empowering Leaders and Wellbeing Champions in your organisation



We provide bespoke consultancy services for organisations of all shapes and sizes on managing mental health at work, how to manage stress and prevent burnout, how to build resilience and establish healthy boundaries. We offer these sessions through the following services:

  • Workshops for Team or Leadership Away-Days

  • Bi-monthly or quarterly management feedback sessions, following the leaders and manager training course delivery

  • 1-2-1 Mindfulness 20-minute sessions

  • 1-2-1 Boundary Setting 20-minute sessions

We would be delighted to explore how we can support you and your teams through these services.

Please note for our 1-2-1 sessions, we recommend booking a half or full day with a set number of 1-2-1 slots that are promoted internally to your staff, then booked confidentially on a first-come-first-served basis.



We typically suggest pairing our signature training courses with ongoing Wellbeing Champions training and consultancy. This runs for a minimum of 6 months, where we work with a dedicated group of trained staff volunteers to develop and implement a Mental Health and Wellbeing strategy for your workplace. The purpose of the Wellbeing Champions scheme is to help these volunteers develop the vital knowledge and tools needed to support and empower their colleagues to manage their own mental health, and signpost to support effectively when required.

The selected Champions receive 1 full day training (see course description below), focusing on the applications and limitations of providing mental health support in a workplace setting. They then work alongside a Calmer consultant each month to design, develop and refine a Mental Health and Wellbeing strategy and policy that is bespoke to your organisation and its needs.

  • • Explore the role of a Wellbeing Champion and what it entails

    • Explore the wider perspectives of mental health

    • Understand common mental health conditions, support and signposting

    • Identify how to role model mentally healthy habits in your workplace

    • Learn how to promote your Wellbeing Champion plans and implementation

    • Develop a Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy for your organisation