Entrepreneur Wellbeing

How to reduce stress as a business owner

How to reduce stress as a business owner

Starting and managing your own firm or business inevitably comes with range of challenges. As a business owner, you can find yourself working from the ground up, developing business and marketing plans, and determining how best to ensure lasting customer satisfaction, among many other responsibilities.

These responsibilities can feel stressful at times. Therefore, allowing yourself time to take care of your mental health and explore ways to incorporate stress management techniques can be highly beneficial, both now and in the future.

In this special guest blog, Gladys Torres shares some stress management tips to assist you on your business journey.

How to quiet your inner critic

How to quiet your inner critic

What is self-sabotage? It’s a frequently used term in pop psychology and the media. However, the meaning of the term and its implications are often shrouded in uncertainty.

Most of us have an “inner saboteur” or “inner critic” of some sort, lurking in the depths of our psyches. While there’s no straightforward way to prevent it from holding you back, you can address it with self-awareness and proper self-care. So, where do you start? These tips may help you put a positive foot forward.

5 Steps to building your resilience and wellbeing as an entrepreneur

5 Steps to building your resilience and wellbeing as an entrepreneur

Mental health issues for entrepreneurs can often go unnoticed. Recent studies have indicated that the majority of people in business are sleep-deprived and overworked, and this has led to widespread concerns around the wellbeing of entrepreneurs. While it is important to work hard, it's also important to remember that your state of mental wellbeing contributes to how effective we feel in your work. In the face of challenges, maintaining a sense of calm, remembering why you started and how far you’ve come will all help you to keep moving forward and strengthen your resilience.

Whether you’re just starting out as a new business owner, or have a well-established business already, poor mental health can be a hurdle to accomplishing your dreams. Needless to say, when you prioritise your mental health, not only are you able to improve peace of mind, but your efficiency also increases multifold.

In this special guest blog, Jessica Fender shares five of the many ways you can build resilience and nurture your mental health as an entrepreneur.

Re-imagining how to care for mind and body in the post-pandemic world

Re-imagining how to care for mind and body in the post-pandemic world

The pandemic presented us with many challenges we could never have imagined. However, many of us have found ways to overcome these challenges and have embraced positive ways to improve our physical and mental health.

In some uplifting news, a recent survey found that over 80% of Americans have stated that they intend to practice regular self-care, even after the pandemic ends. It's empowering to see so many people invest their energy into taking care of their physical and mental health during a difficult time. However, sometimes it’s hard to know how to get started.

In this special guest blog, Dan Matthew shares a simple and accessible guide to taking care of your mind and body in a post-pandemic world.

How can entrepreneurs keep their hearts healthy while working relentlessly?

How can entrepreneurs keep their hearts healthy while working relentlessly?

Each year, the British Heart Foundation (BHF) marks February as National Heart Month in the UK, and we want to use this opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of prioritising your heart health and understanding the impact of stress on our physical health.

It has been said that entrepreneurs in particular are driven by paramount passion, the romanticisation of experiments, and tireless pursuit of dreams. But are you taking enough care of your wellness and your heart?