Entering awards: why it's good for you & your business

The business world is full of talented and dedicated individuals. (We’re sure that simply by reading that, a few of your own inspiring role models came to mind). However, have you considered whether you’re also worthy of recognition?

Sometimes it’s worth putting you and your business out there for recognition and praise - and entering awards can do just that. Just this year, the Calmer Team put our Founder, Tania Diggory, forward for a number of awards, and we have been thrilled with the results.

In the SME Hertfordshire Awards 2019, Tania was shortlisted for their Business Woman of the Year Award, making her a stand-out success in the local area. And at national level, Tania has found herself as a finalist for the Best Business Women Awards in the Health and Wellness Category. Our fingers are crossed for the big day - but either way, the recognition and validation has been felt within the whole team!

So, whatever industry you’re in, and whatever level or stage you’re at, there’s always the opportunity to enter awards and reap the rewards. Here’s how entering awards can benefit you and your business - whatever the outcome:


1. Improve visibility of your brand

Awards are designed to shine a spotlight on your work and your business. On the night, you will be a focal point in a room full of industry professionals. In the days following you may make local or national media. And in the months and years following, you can showcase these independent seals of approval, on your website, your social media, and your marketing materials.

So, if you’re looking to improve the visibility of your brand, entering yourself for an award can provide this additional awareness and build your reputation with the right people. Consider award entries as part of your marketing or PR strategy, and likewise, budget for them accordingly.

And no matter where you come in the awards, you can receive valuable feedback from heads of industry. Comments from the judges can be valuable in themselves, and they’re something you can share as a business testimonial too.


2. Increase motivation

Awards are a fantastic way to recognise your hard work, and that of your team too. The mere act of entering can provide an opportunity to compound all of the work and take note of the progress you’ve made in a certain area, or over a certain period of time.

Make sure to communicate your positive feelings with everyone involved - including yourself - and even if you don’t make the shortlist, you can certainly celebrate your own achievements.


3. Strengthen business relationships

It is common practice for agencies and B2B businesses to use award shows as an opportunity to strengthen their client relationships by inviting their contacts to attend with them. It’s also an opportunity to have the quality of your work recognised in front of them, and put yourself front-of-mind for new projects or work coming up.

So, if you have any awards shows coming up, and you’d like to invite a client to work with you more closely in the future, now’s the perfect time to invite them to join you.


4. Attract new business

Awards are a brilliant way of garnering new business - and you can also participate in this without even entering!

While winning an award can be the catalyst for attracting new business from attendees and potential customers, there’s always the possibility that you don’t get shortlisted or win the award. Instead, perhaps consider sponsoring an award instead: it’ll give you the opportunity to have your business attend, and position your brand alongside a specific category or service.


5. Meet peers and mentors

Award shows are often mistaken for being a competitive environment, but for many, they’re a great opportunity to network and meet people you respect within your industry.

Building your entrepreneurial ecosystem is another aspect that can open new doors, and support you as a welcoming community to partake in, and where better to start this than with award-winners and industry leaders?

Plus, the informality of award shows can provide a more natural type of networking, and you’ll have the opportunity to “talk shop” without it being too imposing.


6. Define what you stand for

Entering awards can provide a valuable moment to define what you and your business stand for. Many entrepreneurs and founders start their business based on a personal experience, and embedding this deeper purpose in your business can enable you to clarify your values and your message.

Being clear on your message will not only strengthen your award application, but also your elevator pitches and marketing materials moving forwards. It may also enable you to differentiate yourself from your competitors and stand out from the crowd, which is incredibly valuable no matter what you do.


7. Attract new talent

Business awards can provide great validation for future employees - and your awards needn’t be HR-specific, either. By aligning your business with similar enterprises that also win awards, you may find yourself receiving more speculative applications, and the increased employee morale may also increase your staff retention rate.


8. Reflect on your achievements

Whatever the outcome of the awards you enter, the time taken to reflect on your business journey can highlight achievements. It also gives you an opportunity to compare your current situation against previously set goals, and consider how far you’ve come, as well as next steps to become a successful - and potentially award-winning - business.


9. Discover ways to innovate

We’ve established that awards can provide a brilliant opportunity to reflect on your achievements, build your reputation, and get recognised for your hard work. But have you considered how to best move forward after getting your results?

Whether you’re shortlisted, make it through to finalist stage, or find yourself an award-winner, there’s still progress to be made!

The awards application process, and the comments you receive back for your entry, can form the basis of new ways to develop your business. From ways of strengthening your existing products or services, to diversifying your portfolio, you may find the process will boost innovation and add value elsewhere.

Ready to enter your own awards? We wish you the best of luck! Make sure to share this guide if you found it helpful - find us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.