The power of using your intuition to make decisions

The power of using your intuition to make decisions

"I know it’s right, don’t I?" We all know that feeling - when faced with a decision, big or small, we just don’t know what’s best to do. We go back and forth, weigh pros and cons perhaps, or even avoid the decision by asking others opinions in the name of research.

What‘s the problem here? Well I think it’s a lot to do with trust - trusting ourselves and our ability to chose the best path. 

Realising the freelance dream with Psychologies Magazine

Realising the freelance dream with Psychologies Magazine

We worked with Ali Roff of Psychologies to highlight the expectations vs. realities of freelancing. In the modern workplace, there is often a mix of full-time and freelance staff, and we know it's easy to think "the grass is greener" being a freelancer. In certain aspects it is - but you may find a few roadblocks along the way.