7 time management tips for entrepreneurs

7 time management tips for entrepreneurs

Learning how best to manage your time is incredibly important, but it does take a while. A conventional work day used to last from 9am to 5pm - but even that is changing. More than ever, we are expected to be working longer hours and being even more successful.

In order to maximise your time, and find a style that suits you, we’ve put this guide together (just in time for Entrepreneur’s Day, too!)

It’s time to extinguish burnout from your life and business

It’s time to extinguish burnout from your life and business

We all know what it’s like to feel like we’re struggling, and at the same time we also know what it’s like to feel positive. You could look at the term ‘Mental Health’ as a spectrum, just like the state of our physical health can fluctuate, so can the state of our mental health – which means there are some days where you’ll feel great and some days perhaps not so great. This is part of the human experience.

How supported do you feel in your business?

How supported do you feel in your business?

We all have that moment as entrepreneurs, where the initial excitement about starting a business takes over and it feels like you’re embarking on a life-changing adventure. No doubt, you are certainly in for an adventure…!

But then there’s the inevitable realisation after a period of time, when it hits you – just how much work, time, energy, consistency, effort, and management is involved. It takes a great deal of determination, motivation and patience (to name a few) to grow a business.