The power of gratitude: 5 ways it can improve your mental health

“Thank you.” Two simple words, with a big impact when shared from the heart. It’s also often among the first words we learn to speak in a different language.

Whether it’s saying thank you or another gesture of kindness, taking the time to engage in some acts of gratitude can indeed help you live a fulfilled life. Gratitude has a direct impact on our mental health and it can help us become happier in life, and view life in a more meaningful way. 

This week’s guest blog features Jessica Robinson, writing her second blog for Calmer to share her perspective on the link between gratitude and our mental health, and five ways we can utilise gratitude to boost our wellbeing.


The correlation between gratitude and mental health

Are you aware that being thankful or showing appreciation can boost your happiness levels? Research on gratitude conducted by psychologists Dr. Robert A. Emmons of the University of California and Dr. Michael E. McCullough of the University of Miami concluded that being grateful can increase happiness scores.

For example, saying “thank you” or “this made my day” from the bottom of your heart, can actually improve your mood and open your heart to the good in others. Similarly, those who engage in acts of kindness make the world a better place - that’s why they say “it’s better to give than to receive”. Showing gratitude also plays a crucial role in personal goal attainment and among people with neuromuscular disease, it contributes to an increase in positive energy and a boost in mood.

In one study, participants were asked to pen down sentences on specific topics. The first group was asked to write down things they were grateful for, whereas the second group was told to write down things that irritated them. The third group was requested to write down experiences (positive and negative) that had negatively affected them.

After two and a half months, it was revealed that individuals who wrote about gratitude were more optimistic and also felt better about themselves and their lives. In addition, these people exercised more and didn’t visit physicians, unlike their counterparts who focused on the negative experiences.

Other studies indicated that being grateful can improve relationships. People who received acts of kindness or who were thanked experienced greater levels of happiness. Studies also further indicated a link between gratitude and well-being. Besides that, individuals who expressed gratitude to their partners felt more positive towards them and also felt more freedom to express their concerns. 


5 ways that gratitude can improving our mental health

Gratitude is essential if we want to see good in others, in ourselves, and in the world. We live in a world that is characterised by economic woes, insecurity, and health issues. Simple acts of kindness, or a choice to return kindness, can help improve mental well-being. 

The latest statistics indicate that 1 in 8 people globally struggle with a mental health issue and that depression has become more prevalent worldwide. There are many forms of mental health problems such as anxiety, PTSD, bipolar disorder, which can even lead to behavioural issues or substance misuse.

Unfortunately, there is no single cause of mental health issues, and it’s all relative to each individual persons life experiences. However, many mental health concerns can be reduced through holistic means - such as tapping into your support network, seeking out psychological support, looking after your physical health, focusing on showing gratitude, and extending acts of kindness. When people are grateful or take the time to show gratitude, this can also lead to mental, physical and emotional benefits.

Here are five ways gratitude can improve your mental health:


1. ease stress and depression

A study conducted by Virginia Commonwealth University indicated that being thankful reduced the risk of depression, and anxiety among other mental health disorders. Gratitude generally helps one develop resilience to depression and the likelihood of stress. 

Developing an attitude of gratitude helps you realize the good things around you. Rather than focusing on the negative and all that might be going wrong around you. For example, try to write down at least three things that made you smile or be grateful during the day.

Mention the reason why they might have happened and how you felt. Doing this for a week or making it part of your life will help you see the good in life. Indirectly, this will help you feel less depressed and you will surely see considerable improvements in depression and happiness levels. 


2. Increases positivity

Ungratefulness is a stealer of joy and contentment, unfortunately, many people are unaware of it. When people restrain from showing thankfulness even for the smallest things in life, this cultivates negativity in their lives.

However, when one is more grateful, it helps to increase happy hormones like dopamine and serotonin. These improve mood and promote calmness and wellness. Besides that, they help one stay optimistic which helps them deal with challenging situations in life. This can also reduce feelings of loneliness.

Make a choice to be grateful or engage in introspection using some of the different reflection models to realise what’s hindering you from benefiting from gratitude. 


3. Enhances intentional thinking

We commonly minimize gratitude to the mere thing of saying thank you, but the power of gratitude can indeed alter our thinking patterns. Precisely, intentional thinking can help us perform more acts of kindness which can lead to more satisfaction in life. People who are more grateful in life and with their lives are more intentional in their thinking. They will not do to others what they wouldn’t want to be done to them.

Being grateful can also make you more patient, compassionate, and empathetic. Gratitude will allow you to see the good in others rather than focus on their negative aspects. In the long run, you will start being more understanding towards others and more welcoming which improves mental well-being. 


4. Can increase happiness

Expressing gratitude brings about happiness. It cultivates an opportunity to experience more positive emotions both in those extending and receiving the act of kindness. Many studies show that people who are thankful in daily life and kept records of the things that they are grateful for experience greater levels of happiness. 

Besides that, research also shows that gratitude has a longer impact on the brain and mind which cultivates prolonged happiness. Therefore, an intentional choice to be thankful in life can directly improve your happiness. 


5. Attracts good towards you

Showing appreciation can attract good things to you. In a study that analysed fundraising activities, it was found that the group where the organiser sent out a message of gratitude received more calls the next day and people were making more contributions.

With that in mind, it’s important to recognise the value of gestures of gratitude, and how this not only enhances relationships but also attracts positive opportunities. 


How to cultivate gratitude

There are many simple ways that one can cultivate gratitude, and here are a few simple steps to get you started: 

  • Make a conscious choice to count your blessings each day

  • Show thanks and appreciation whenever you receive something good

  • Keep a gratitude journal to remind yourself of all the good in your life

  • Choose to see the good, even in challenging scenarios

Remember that your choices can also influence and empower others to tap into gratitude in their lives too - start creating that positive ripple effect today.

Jessica Robinson loves to write interesting and knowledgeable blogs regarding business management, education and life to satiate the curiosity of her lovely readers. Currently, she is serving as a content manager at The Speaking Polymath.

Every piece of content that she writes demonstrates her immense love and passion for her profession.